Phase 4 easing of COVID 19 restrictions

Dear Associations, Clubs and Members, On Saturday 25th June 2020, we moved into Phase 4 of the easing of the COVID-19 related restrictions, and the only restrictions that will remain on the maximum capacity of both indoor and outdoor venues is the 2sqm rule. Additionally, records of patrons are no...

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Dear Members, Please click to download an IMPORTANT SAFETY NOTICE 30.06.2020  Regards Sarah Hoglin WARA Executive Officer

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Vale – Richard Clarence (AKA Clarrie) Benson

Vale – Richard Clarence (AKA Clarrie) Benson: 24.12.1924 – 23.06.2020 South West shooters were saddened to learn of the passing of Manjimup ex-member Clarrie Benson. Clarrie began his shooting career in the early 1960’s and continued until 2012.  He was a regular member of Manjimup and South West teams and...

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WARA Office and Shop hours

Dear Members, The WARA Shop will be open Saturday 20th June 2020 and Wednesday 24th June 2020 then back to normal trading on Wednesday 1st July 2020. The WARA Office and Shop will be closed Thursday 25th and Friday 26th June 2020 and Saturday 27th June 2020. Sorry for any...

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WARA Shop and Office hours

Dear Members, Please be advised that the WARA Shop and Office will be closed Wednesday 17th and Thursday 18th June 2020. Please email or phone 0427 265 865 and I will return your email or call as soon as possible upon my return. Regards, Sarah Hoglin WARA Executive Officer...

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Pinjar Midweek Shooting

Hi All, Midweek shooting will recommence next Wednesday 17th June 2020 from 10am to 2pm. 300 metre electronic targets and  zeroing paper target at 100m CASH PAYMENTS ONLY   

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Update COVID 19 – 3rd June 2020

Dear Associations, Clubs and Members, Stage 3 of the COVID 19 WA roadmap of the relaxation of restrictions,  will take effect 11.59pm Friday 5th June 2020. This includes a new gathering limit of 100 persons per single undivided space and a requirement for 2sqm of space per person at venues...

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Obituary – Albany Rifle Club

It is with great sadness that the Albany Rifle Club announces the unexpected passing of much loved member, Len Jones. This was a great shock to all of us as he was well on the road to recovery after an operation in Perth. Len is the loving husband of club...

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WARA Covid 19 update 3rd May 2020

Dear Members, The WARA Executive are working on policies and procedures for what we believe will be a staged reopening of Ranges around WA to abide by Government directives and regulations. As WARA is the lease holder for the majority of rifle ranges in WA, we are responsible for conforming...

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