Event Updates

Dear Members, Please see announcement below regarding the National Ladies Teams and the VRA Prize Meeting. National Ladies Teams Matches 2020 Announcement

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Dear Members, Please see attached statement from the NRAA Board in regard to the Novel Coronavirus. If you have any queries please contact Sarah on 0427 265 865 or eo@wara.asn.au. COVID 19 – NRAA Statement from the Board

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Coaching Course

WA Smallbore Rifle Assoc will be conducting a Shooting Australia Club Coach course on the 2/3 May 2020, to be held at the Whiteman Park Shooting Complex. As the Education Officer of NRAA, I would invite WARA members to be part of this course.  It will be held in accordance...

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2020 State Veterans Team Nominations

2020 State Veterans Rifle Team Nominations  The State Veterans Rifle Team composition is as per 2019 with the F Standard Team composition replicating the TR being a team of 5 shooters (plus 1 reserve), Coach, Manager and Captain.  The West Australian Rifle Association is now calling for nominations for all...

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TR Development Squad -Expressions of Interest

Dear Members WARA is inviting expressions of interest for Shooters and wind coaches to nominate for a TR development Squad, both in open and under 25s. The next team event will be held in May 2022 and will be held in North Queensland. Captain and manager nominations to be called...

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WARA SHOP HOURS Wednesdays 9am – 4pm Fridays 9am – 4pm Saturdays 1pm – 3pm Shop hours are current as of 05/02/2020. These hours may change without notice.

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The West Australian Rifle Association Inc. are seeking Expressions of Interest for a Caretaker at the Pinjar Rifle Range. Applications are to be sent to eo@wara.asn.au or PO Box 1559 Wangara DC 6947 by COB Friday 17th January 2020. For further information please click the link below. EXPRESSION OF INTEREST

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Pinjar Range Mid-week shooting

Hi All, Please be aware that the Pinjar Range will BE CLOSED for mid week shooting Tuesday 12th November to Friday 15th November and Tuesday 3rd December to Friday 10th December. Thank you

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