2020 State Veterans Rifle Team Nominations
The State Veterans Rifle Team composition is as per 2019 with the F Standard Team composition replicating the TR being a team of 5 shooters (plus 1 reserve), Coach, Manager and Captain.
The West Australian Rifle Association is now calling for nominations for all of the above positions, for the National Veterans Team Championships to be held by NSWRA at the Anzac Rifle Range, Malabar on the 14 -15th September 2020.
If you are interested in Team Shooting please forward your written nomination and a signed copy of the WARA State Team Agreement form (attached) to Sarah Hoglin, the WARA Executive Officer eo@wara.asn.au or PO Box 1559 Wangara DC, WA 6947 no later than 11th March 2020.
Click to download WARA_STATE_RIFLE_TEAM_Agreement.