Designed to accommodate standard, shop-bought sporting rifles on NRAA ranges, these guidelines aim to encourage participation and foster membership. Any standard factory-made sporting, hunting, or varmint rifle may be used, provided it complies with the following:

  • Maximum weight of 6.5kg, including scope and bipod.
  • Barrel length must not exceed 26 inches.
  • Muzzle brakes are prohibited on WARA ranges for this discipline.
  • Magazines may be used but must not be fitted until in the firing position.
  • Any calibre may be used, provided it falls within the speed and energy limits specified in the range approval.
  • A Harris-type front rest may be utilized.
  • Rear bags may be used.
  • Shooting is from the prone position; benches may be used at the discretion of the Range Officer.


Sporter Discipline has two divisions:

  • Production Class (PC)
  • Production Class Open (PCO).