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Coaching Course

WA Smallbore Rifle Assoc will be conducting a Shooting Australia Club Coach course on the 2/3 May 2020, to be held at the Whiteman Park Shooting Complex.

As the Education Officer of NRAA, I would invite WARA members to be part of this course.  It will be held in accordance with all requirements of Shooting Australia, NRAA and TRA with accreditation to follow to successful participants.  Attendance at both days is required, as is post course coaching assessment.

Combining the disciplines of smallbore and fullbore always provides a greater depth of knowledge to be gained and shared.  We have done this before with fantastic success.

Interested persons can contact either Alex Timms or myself if they have further questions, or wish to sign up.

It must be remembered that this is coach education – training people to be effective technique coaches, and has little to do with being purely a “wind coach” at a competition.

Each club should have at least two accredited coaches, and when looking at the latest list of coaches from NRAA, WA is lagging far behind.

This coach education project can help remedy this situation.

My contact details:

Tricia Van Nus

Mob:  0427446050



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