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From 12.00 midday today the Pinjar main facilities (the Bar, Kitchen, meeting rooms and main hall) will be closed and access will be denied to all members and public.

No club and/or their members can enter the main facilities from 12.00 midday today until further notice.


  1. As of 12.00 midday today the government has closed all non-essential venues, which includes licenced clubs.
  2. As the Pinjar main facilities (the Bar, Kitchen, meeting rooms and main hall) is a licenced area, it falls under the Government’s closure directive.

The only people that can enter this area are people doing essential work, such as the Bar manager checking stock and ensuring fridges are functional, people entering to do cleaning so-on.

The Breezeway is not part of the licenced area, so this area is still open, but I would suggest that members attending Pinjar do not congregate in this area.

Please ensure that all members maintain the recommended social distancing and personal hygiene protocols as per the government health directives.

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