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WARA Covid 19 update 3rd May 2020

Dear Members,

The WARA Executive are working on policies and procedures for what we believe will be a staged reopening of Ranges around WA to abide by Government directives and regulations. As WARA is the lease holder for the majority of rifle ranges in WA, we are responsible for conforming to all Government and Police directions as well as a duty of care to all of our members. We also have to contend with constant updates and changes to protocols. Any responses that we make require careful consideration and research before being released this may also involve seeking legal advice.  Please refrain from posting anything on social media that’s misleading or detrimental to our sport or Association. If members have any concerns the correct procedure is to discuss these concerns with your District Delegate and ask your delegate to relay your concerns to the Council/Executive. WARA will be posting up to date advice with respect to recommencing shooting (with or without any conditions) to all members onto the website as soon as we are able. Advice will also be distributed via email. Therefore please check emails and WARA website on a regular basis.


Wayne Oldfield, WARA Acting Chairman


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