WARA Office and Shop closure

Dear Members, Please be advised that the WARA Shop and Office will close for Christmas on Wednesday December 15th 2021 reopening Wednesday 5th January 2022. I would like to wish everyone and their families a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Regards Sarah Hoglin WARA Executive Officer

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Obituary – Mr John Ayers

John Ayers passed away last Saturday 20-11-21. In accordance with the wishes of family, a Private Funeral for the Late Mr John Charles Ayers of Merredin, was conducted on Friday 26-11-2021. John passed away following illness, and was a valued member of Chidlow Rifle Club, Merredin Rifle Club and most...

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Midweek shooting PINJAR

Please be advised we have several courses being facilitated at Pinjar before Christmas so the range will be open for midweek shooting the following days only. Monday 15th November Wednesday 24th November Wednesday 8th December Monday 13th December Wednesday 15th December We will then close over Christmas and re open...

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Mr Patrick John Connelly

Dear Members, Just a short note to inform you of the passing of Patrick (Paddy) John Connelly of the Corrigin Rifle Club. WARA send there sincere condolence’s to the family during this time. Regards Sarah Hoglin – WARA Executive Officer  

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SNAKES at Pinjar

Dear Members, Please be advised there has been several sightings of snakes at Pinjar. Please try and walk on designated paths and be extra vigilant when putting out the range flags or doing any work around the range. Kind Regards Sarah Hoglin WARA Executive Officer

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WARA Shop Closure

Hi All, Please be aware that the WARA Shop will be closed Friday 8th and Saturday 9th October 2021. Please send any orders to eo@wara.asn.au. Regards, Sarah Hoglin WARA Executive Officer

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Midweek Shooting Pinjar Rifle Range

Hi All, Due to the State Championships being held at Pinjar midweek shooting will be CLOSED and re open Monday 4th October 2021. Regards Sarah Hoglin WARA Executive Officer  

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Obituary – Mr Bill Thompson

Dear Members, It is with great sadness that we inform you of the passing of well respected and life member of the Albany Rifle Club, Mr Billy Thompson. Our thoughts go out to Bill’s wife Glen & family. Bill tireless work and friendship will be missed by all who knew...

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Dear Members, It is with great sadness that we inform you of the passing of well respected and life member of the Albany Rifle Club, Mr Billy Thompson. Our thoughts go out to Bill’s wife Glen & family. Bill tireless work and friendship will be missed by all who knew...

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