Sponsors Appreciation

The West Australian Rifle Assoc Inc. would like to say a massive thank you to all the sponsors of “The Queens Memorial” State Championships 2022, there ongoing supported is greatly appreciated. So a huge thank you to the following: Nightforce NIOA TacStore Sheridans Badges and Engraving Department of Local Government,...

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Shop Closure

Hi All, Please note the WARA Shop will be closed Saturday 4th June 2022. Sorry for any inconvenience Yours Sincerely Sarah Hoglin WARA Executive Officer

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Shop and Pinjar Range update

Hi All, The WARA Shop will be open Wednesday 16th and 23rd of February 10am – 2pm. The Range will be closed on Wednesday 16th February due to prior booking but on Wednesday 23rd February , the range will be open from 3pm to 6pm with electronic targets is at...

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WARA Changes

Dear Members, Please be advised that I will be commencing maternity leave this week. The WARA Chairman Wayne Oldfield will be answering the office phone number 0427265865 for any queries please phone him or email  wayne.oldfield3@bigpond.com. For all shop enquiries please phone the WARA Shop on 0438954786. The WARA Shop...

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